Out of the Past

Mackie Messer

The Killer is Loose

That’s Cotton with the long head

Baby Face

Pre-code Stanwyck is tops


The Hands of Orlac

German Silent. No longer remember which one.

Something with Raymond Burr (little help). He was in so many.

“I walk through walls, you know” Harriet Anderson in Through a Glass Darkly

Pickup on South Street

On the Waterfront

Honey West

Emma Peel

Scarlet Street

Where the Sidewalk Ends II

Olivier’s Hamlet

Fredric March’s Mr. Hyde

Reeves & Swayze in Point Break

Seaside (that’s a young Lawrence Tierney)

Our Dancing Daughters

The Killer is Loose II

Pandora’s Box

Something Else with Raymond Burr. Maybe same movie.

Dead End Kids

Where the Sidewalk Ends Dana Andrew & Gene Tierney, made for each other

Pasion y Tristeza—I actually made that up. A Mexican Film whose title I can’t remember.

Not sure what movie this is from. The Split with Jim Brown, maybe.



Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle, mug shot

King Lear

The Phantom Carriage

Duke Mantee

Stroheim’s Greed

Cat Noir

Gorgeous George

Victor McLaglen in The Informer

Kato and the Green Hornet